You are here: ILT > Locating an Existing ILT Event, Track, or Session > Searching for Sessions of ILT Event Tracks

Searching for Sessions of ILT Event Tracks

You can search for specific Sessions for ILT Event Tracks. The more fields you complete, the more specific your search results will be. Try using less information for a broader search. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the ILT menu to expand it.
  2. Click Instructor Led Training. The ILT Events/Tracks/Sessions page opens. In the Filters section:
  3. Click Session.
  4. Type the name or partial name in the Event Name/Description Contains field. (Leaving this field blank returns all available Sessions.)
  5. Type the name or partial name in the Track Name/Description Contains field. (Leaving this field blank returns all available Sessions.)
  6. Type the name or partial name in the Session / Quick Session Name/Description Contains field.
  7. Select one of the following from the Status drop-down list:
  1. Select the number of results you want to display on the page from the Display drop-down list. (The default is 10 unless your System Administrator set a different default number in Configuration Options.)
  2. Click the Always Prepopulate Session Date with Default Date Range check box to use the default date range. This check box only displays if your System Administrator set a default range in Configuration Options. This range could be set to a certain number of days before and after the current date. You are not restricted to using just this date range. This is usually set for convenience purposes only. You can select your own Start Date and End Date ranges using the fields below this check box.
    Clear the check box if you do not want this page to use the default date range when you visit this page again in the future.

If you click Reset, all the fields are populated with the default values your System Administrator set in the Configuration Options page. In addition, when a different Administrator navigates to the ILT Event/Track/Sessions page for the first time, all the fields are populated with the default values the System Administrator set in the Configuration Options page.

  1. Select Start Date and End Date ranges by clicking in the fields and selecting the dates from the calendar that pops up.

To narrow the date range to a single day, put the same date in both the Start Date and End Date fields.

To display all records that start after a specific date, select that date in the Start Date field and leave the End Date field blank.

To display all records that ended by a specific date, select that date in the End Date field and leave the Start Date field blank.

If the Start Date is greater than the End Date, an Invalid Date Range message displays.

  1. Click the Show Instructors check box if you want the instructors' names to display in the search results.
    Clear this check box to prevent the instructors' names from displaying in the search results.
  2. If you want to make your search even more specific, click the Advanced check box. Additional fields display.
  3. Click Select Category and select a Category from the Category Selector window if you want to narrow the search to Sessions that are mapped to a particular Category.
  4. Select an Instructor from the drop-down box.
  5. Select a Location from the drop-down box.
  6. Click Search.

All available Sessions display. In the example above, the Admin selected Both from the Status drop-down, so both Active and Inactive Sessions display. The Admin also selected 10 as the number of records she wanted to display, but since there are more than 10 results, the paging buttons () display to indicate that you can page forward or backward through the list of results.

Button Description

Indicates the Session is Active.

Indicates the Session is Inactive.

Click this to view Parent Recurrences.

Click this to view Child Recurrences.

Click this to edit the Session properties.

Click this to edit the Session information. The Session Information page opens and you can make your changes there. Click to save your changes.

Click this to change the status of the Session. Select the check box beside each Session you want to change, then click Change Status. If the Session was Active, this action makes it Inactive, or deactivates it. If the Session was Inactive, this action makes it Active.

Note: If you selected Both for the Status drop-down list in the Filters section, this option is hidden so that you do not accidentally change a status.

Note: If you deactivate a Session, associated Enrollments for that Session are deleted. Enrollments are not deleted when the Event or Track is deactivated.

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